Time I shifted to new house, new atmosphere, new
As the morning sun rays wake me up to prepare for the day
Lazily on bed, starring at the rapidly spinning fan
Empty wall, no drawings, no hangings, nobody to wait for.
Mind wandered in search of my man, to love and fight
To kiss and hug, to smile and cry,
He lives somewhere around the world, away from my eyes
But always close to my heart, dreams, thoughts and wishes.
Bow down and walk, faces walked past me, their feet and sandals
Alone reached my brain, mind never looked straight
To see the man of my dreams, mind has fallen tired of the
Never had I expected to meet the man of my dreams on my
Many times he walked past me, sometimes gift a smile
Sometimes not even a glance he offer, but the natural
Endowment of love from his heart touched mine
So gentle, arouse the root of dreams and hopes.
Neither ostentate nor vaunted was he, but modest and humble
Responsible son, dependable friend, caring brother,
His silence never revealed anything more or less
Still, the morning breeze murmured the enigmas of his love.
Eyes caught him at distance, ears listened from others,
Heart leaned closer to him, followed the paths he
Kept the doors of my heart open, days and night passed,
Seasons changed, leaves withered, I waited for him.
Stayed awake to hear his foot-steps, sometimes turn off
Often turn over the pages until he reach, waited for a
reply message
Never he knew, one heart-beat away his girl awaits him,
To receive his message, listen to him always.
Shared the beauty of bright full moon, interrupted power
Opened the medium for my songs to reach him
One arm distance, star gazing the night sky
My dreams explored his heart full of love and care
Dribbled us around the world in hands together