Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
Being besides you, hold your hands wherever you go
Walk alongside all the way you travel
Listen to your words and silence always
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
Lying beside you, touch your cheeks when you sleep
Sit in different angles and look your beauty
Love your soul and beauty always
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
Fight with you; sit apart in silence for hours
Thoughts and mind to be near you always
End up my thoughts and come to you
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
Surprise for you; special gifts for birthdays
Wishes and greetings cover you on anniversaries
Celebrate the joy with near and dear ones
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
When you shout at me, my heart tore into pieces
It takes time to rejoin, still marks and pain left
Lub dub rises, mind goes out of control
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
I go short of words, my brain stop functioning
Dreams and wishes take a pause, life stand still
When you scold I fall into a lonely pit
Thousand years ahead, I dreamt a life with you
Being near you, as your wife, sweet heart and loved one
Spending my life with you forever and always
That's my only wish and dream
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