Journeys are explorations to new feel, emotions, relations ,
cultures and lots more. Spending time with your loved ones in a journey is a
blessing. Even if nobody accept my argument I believe only the real blessed and
lucky ones can be with your special ones. Special ones does not mean your lover
alone, may be your friend, brother, sister, parents or a group of friends or
someone strange to you. Duration of your relationship does not define
the intensity of relations, it is the moments you spent with your loved ones
that really matters.
Eagerly waiting in the bus bay , preparing mind to meet
after a long time, mind wandering to find answers for many questions- how
should I greet, what all should I talk, how to share happiness and more.
The moment of meeting cools my mind like the rain drops that
soothens the desert soil. Few minutes or hours spent together. Never bother to
look my watch but feels the clock runs so fast when the moments are precious.
Walking in the rain, sometimes silent, sometimes cracking
out lame jokes, no umbrellas to cover us from the cool rain drops. Never expect
those moments to stay as sweet memories, never expected that it wont return, so
valuable and precious.
One behind the other ,step in the bus. No questions no
words, take tickets , no repayments accepted please. May or may not get nearby seats. Mostly at extreme
ends but the mind stays closer. Too much missing make miss calls or messages. Sometimes
mind wish that the bus never reached the destination. As the bus moves forward,
the visuals rewind. Sitting alone at some corner inside the bus starring the
fastness of city life. Each time the bus hault, try to search for near by
Red and black tiled paths,
flags and banners of party meetings,
revolutionary songs from loud speakers accompany the walk. Silently walk
me, may have lots to talk or ask but nothing happens. Shortage of words
the path of silence. Reduced the speed of walk to spent more time
Take out phones and gaze through the screen simply to deviate and
overcome the
silence. Sometimes the lup- dup heard in the silence around
us.A walk at night through the silent streets, free from vehicles and
horns, Happiness sprout out as twinkling stars and the Moon lightened the path.
Really unexpected but something which I wished for long.
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