Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Definite integral

We know how to find the area of a solid figure. For example, if we have a rectangle the product of length and width give its area. But what happens if we have to find the area under a curve y= f(x). The fundamental problem with the integral calculus is to find the area under a given curve. Now we see how to find the area under a given curve y=f(x) from a to b.

We divide the area under the curve into rectangles of equal width.
Take x0= a and xn= b where n is the number of rectangles. Then we find the area of each rectangle and find the limit of those areas.
x = (b-a)/n
S1=x * f(x1)
S2=x * f(x2)
Sn=x * f(xn)
As the number of rectangles increases the width of each rectangle reduce
Then find the total sum S = S1 + S2 + …………….. + Sn
Therefore area under the curve = ∫a b f(x) dx

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