Sunday, September 21, 2014

Server failure in post office

Technical errors may happen anytime in an office but the technicians are expected to solve the issue raised so that the customers do not face any difficulty. In case of a bank or a financial institution dealing with daily transaction a technical error is not expected to last more than a day. A central government office under the department of post placed a board in front of the office

“Due to server failure there will be no transaction in this office today. Kindly co-operate”

The entire office does not work due to server failure, Hard Disk and network error. What is the role of system administrators in government offices? There is no point in blaming them alone because the requirements to purchase new devices of good quality are not sanctioned by the higher authorities. 

I like to share another realistic story happened in another post office in India. Server failure occurred in the office and it lasted for more than four days. Customers lost their patience and started abusing the Sub Post Master which compelled him to resign from his job presenting the experience in his office as the actual reason. I don’t know whether his resignation was accepted by his higher authorities or the server issue was resolved. I just want to mention the degraded conditions of post offices all over India. 

It’s good to remember the grand golden days of postal services but after the introduction of new schemes and services technological developments are not up to the level. There is no shortage in the allocation of funds in the annual budget but implementation of money is a question that needs enquiry. The work atmosphere of post offices operating in the cities and metros may be better when compared to those in rural areas. A separate cadre for system administrators with fixed pay bands and working hours is a requirement in many divisions all over India. 

The ministry of telecommunication is pretending they don’t know the issues or in actual they are unaware of all this? Just a piece of paper issuing orders is not the real solution needed. Technical skilled staff and subject experts are the essential requirement along with uninterrupted power supply. Energy crisis occur everywhere so generators and UPS of good battery backup need to be purchased. If the work atmosphere is not attractive, staffs will not have interest to work. Postal department has crores of transaction a day all around India. It’s not a silly matter to keep eyes shut against such neglected response from the top officials. If proper action is taken there is amble chance for the growth of this department. The pretermit attitude from the department shows how much interest they have in maintaining the department. 

Department of post has necessary and sufficient potential to be the number one financial institution in India. Only some requirements are needed :- the appointment of adequate staffs, creating good work atmosphere, sufficient space to keep old records, supply of laser printers, last but not the least support from the higher authorities.

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